Lia Siqueira
Lia Siqueira has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Universidade Santa Ursula do Rio de Janeiro. After a period of experience in the German office Weildling, Kettner & Dr. Werner, she returns to Brazil in 1986 to open AZUL Arquitetura & Design where she starts to develop residential, commercial, corporative projects and furniture design. She was awarded by IAB Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil in 1991 (bi), 1993, 1994, 2008 and 2011 (bi), by MOVESP and obtained the seal RIOfaz Design. Siqueira was awarded internationally by IF Design and Red Dot Design, besides participating in several editions of Casa Cor Rio and Metro Design Expos. Her furniture works are presented in Etel Marcenaria, São Paulo and in Espasso, New York. Her projects have been published in books and magazines in Brazil and abroad.