Samuel Accoceberry

Sam Accoceberry was born in Bordeaux, lives and works in Paris and graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Art in Nancy and the Raymond Loewy School in Industrial Aesthetics. Samuel worked 10 years for prestigious design agencies in France and Italy, such as Arik Levy, Antonio Citterio, and Rodolpho Dordoni. In 2010, he launched his own studio and worked with various companies as a designer and art director. In his work, Accoceberry attaches particular importance to the valorisation of know-how, to the beautiful workmanship, and to the place of the human being in the project, whether it be with a craft structure or an industrial enterprise. The expression of his creations tends rather towards a pure, contemporary, elegant line, and with a graphic effect often sought. Above all, he conceives of creation as an open-plan project, working in the different fields of design, whether it be on furniture, industrial design, street furniture, lighting, space planning, scenography, artistic direction for an industrial company, limited edition pieces.

Dining Tables