
  • Frame:Price Band 7
  • Upholstery:Hand Knotted Tibetan Wool
  • Dimensions:305cm L x 244cm W x undefinedcm H
  • Brand:The Rug Company
  • Designer:Edward Barber & Jay Osgerby
  • Product Certificates:Label Step - Fair Trade Certified
  • Sustainable Certificates:GoodWeave Certified
  • Sku:391-150-11985
  • Quantity:1

List Price $21,635 cad

Brand Highlight

The Rug Company

Creation is a collaborative process. At The Rug Company, hand knotted rugs are the result of the shared passion and dedication of a diverse network of people. One that ranges from the skilled weavers in Nepalese mills, to the dedicated teams laying the finished rugs in homes around the globe.

Designer Highlight

Edward Barber & Jay Osgerby

Both born in 1969, Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby studied together at the Royal College of Art in London and established Barber Osgerby in 1996.

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