
  • Frame:Price Band 9
  • Upholstery:Hand Knotted Tibetan Wool
  • Dimensions:152cm L x 152cm W x undefinedcm H
  • Brand:The Rug Company
  • Designer:Jaime Hayon
  • Product Certificates:Label Step - Fair Trade Certified
  • Sustainable Certificates:GoodWeave Certified
  • Sku:391-150-10261
  • Quantity:1

List Price $7,503 cad

Brand Highlight

The Rug Company

Creation is a collaborative process. At The Rug Company, hand knotted rugs are the result of the shared passion and dedication of a diverse network of people. One that ranges from the skilled weavers in Nepalese mills, to the dedicated teams laying the finished rugs in homes around the globe.

Designer Highlight

Jaime Hayon

As a teen, Jaime Hayon submerged himself in the raw and bold culture of skateboarding and graffiti art, which years later became the foundation of the whimsical silhouettes and imagery, so prominent in his work today. After studying industrial design in Madrid and Paris, he joined Fabrica in 1997, the Benetton-funded design and communication academy, working hand in hand with the legend himself, Oliviero Toscani. Quickly, he was promoted to the head of their Design Department. Years later, Jaime ventured off on his own, first with his collection of toys, ceramics and furniture, later followed by interior design and installations.

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